The Next Generation and young voters of America now becoming aware of the danger that America faces and have a sense of uneasiness about Obama and those within his Administration. These youth are now joining forces with the older generations to protect America from the tyranny of extremists and radicals who have a long history of subverting the US Constitution in America.
Now that Obama's latest birth certificate is fraudulent, (not to mention that he multiple social security numbers) American's not stomach electing another political candidate without a knowledge of his or her background.
Obama's and Fabian Socialists strategy is to wear out critics to exhaustion so that even the public conservative commentators may give up interest over his legitimacy. But the American people are becoming more and more aware of this and fully engaged and informed.
Our Liberal Socialist media, in which one person (Billionaire George Soros) controls or influences 70% of it. He doesn't care about freedom or our constitution; Soros only cares about money and power to control world affairs. Do your own research, he is the one who destroyed the British pound. He owns media matters and think progress and many other taxpayer funded socialist non-profits. He made his wealth through capitalism, but promotes socialism to make certain that everyone else and their families don't get the chance to make a descent living.
If fact Soros helped get Obama Bin Laden elected in the White House. That's why we shouldn't be that surprised. Both President Obama and Al-Qaeda leaders support the wave of uprisings in the Middle East from the Muslim Brotherhood.
Last time we learned that Qaeda deputy leader Zawahiri backs Arab revolts along with President Obama.
This is very troublesome for Obama and his re-election campaign. So all the killing of Osama Bin Laden did was allow Obama to assume the new leadership role within Al Qaeda's agenda, while dragging America right into it with our troops. So all Obama did was become Osama's replacement! This proves that this so-called "democracy movement" as the liberal media calls it is actually Americas Trojan Horse to advance the power of the Muslim Brotherhood and the influence of Radical Islam with Obama's Help!
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