What the main stream media fails to do - all Americans will do - and that's be informed, mobilized, and unified to protect the US constitution, economic freedom, and defend all American liberties from executive, legislative, or judicial tyranny.
No longer can the Mexican, Hispanic, Black, and every American be Lied to. The liberal media and socialist Politicians may fool a few people some of the time, but they will never be able to fool the majority of the people all of the time. It is time for Freedom of Speech and Freedom of inquiry to reign supreme all over the world. This injustice must stop. We want an America that is free from the Oppression for the Obama Regime and his Government controlled-media. The Next Generation is now Waking up and Rising up to free their minds with real knowledge instead of propaganda manufactured by Russian Communist affiliated news groups like media matters. In that way, their socialist/communist professors in their colleges and universities can't hoodwink us. We are the Next Generation and we are the voice of a Fresh Revolution in America.
All the killing of Bin Laden and the leading terrorist did was allow Obama to take the commanding lead over the forces of Al-Qaeda as Obama's socialist strategist mentor Zbigniew Brzezinski did during Jimmy Carters administration. How many Americans knew that Barack Obama's College was largely funded by an Islamic Extremist from Saudi Arabia and to this day, his college records and work history have been secretive. Once Obama became president the Media got together to change "Osama" bin Laden to "Usama" bin Laden because It sounded too much like our Presidents name. Perhaps WE ALL just need to realize that they both Obama and Osama are merely puppets controlled by the same puppet masters.
So all Obama did was become Osama's replacement! This proves that this so-called "democracy movement" as the liberal media calls it is actually America's Trojan Horse to advance the power of the Muslim Brotherhood, global sharia law and the influence of Radical Islam with Obama, the Democrat Party and the Liberal Medias Help!
The sad part of this story is that President Obama is now the commander over these Islamic Extremists while President of the United States and after he is president of the United States.
It's not surprising that both Osama Bin Laden and Barack Obama shared the same Hatred for FOX NEWS and Conservative media. Liberals and the Democrats share the same bias with terrorists, because they are one and the same. That's why The Democrat party and Obama were so quick to give the Muslim Brotherhood Terrorist Organization over 1.5 Billion Dollars without Congressional Approval. ( http://www.breitbart.com/Big-Peace/2012/03/21/obama-bypasses-congress-gives-1-5-billion-to-muslim-brotherhood ).
I wonder how many Americans were aware of this. Oops, I guess the security of America wasn't all that important to Obama nor MSNBC, NBC, ABC, CBS, PBS, THE POLITICO, or THE NEW YORK TIMES. It's also no wonder that the Majority of American don't consider them real news organizations since they are controlled and influenced by Media Matters (a Socialist propaganda news think tank owned by the socialist Billionaire, George Soros).
This is what happens when Liberal reporter believe their own Lies ... they look crazy!!!
You see ... every time Obama accuses his opponents of something that they are doing wrong in always a hint to All Americans of what Obama is actually doing or has already done. This is yet another case in point.
Democrats, Liberals, and Socialist Progressives, suffer from a psychological condition called "Transference Projection Disorder" whereby the sufferer unconsciously redirects their own feelings and attitudes to another. It is also a psychological defense mechanism in which the Liberal attributes ("projects") to others, her own unacceptable or unwanted thoughts or/and emotions (such as racism).
For example, the fact that the Liberal Media's own Democrat Party had a direct and significant part to play in inspiring the racial oppression of blacks which continues on today by imposing and assuming a slave mentality upon every black person as if it's their responsibility corral all us black folk back into the socialist plantation. The Fact of the Democrats obsession with racial division, race-baiting and class warfare originates from the injustice system that they themselves created in the past. This fact is far too painful for the Liberal's public self-image and her pride to handle.
The Tea Party is the great American underground Railroad. Let's all remember in disgust the dirty little history of the Racist Liberals in America. All these racist democrats do is talk about race. Meanwhile they all failed history in school. Before they were Called Democrats, they were known as "Dixi-crats" the inventors of JIM CROW!... and their racist agenda goes on today.
No wonder so many more people are waking up and leaving the Democrat party by the hundreds of thousands. The Democrat party is the party of the slave owner, and their prime objective is to keep their voters unaware, uninformed, disconnected from reality, and distracted. Democrats have a long history of projecting their own racism on Republicans and Conservatives who fought against it.
Due to liberals fragile mental state and psychosis, it's no wonder why millions of Americans don't really take anything they say seriously in the media. Even the liberal media would be shocked to realize the fact that the growing majority of Americans also don't take their manufactured news seriously either, because liberal reporters are just plane crazy and unreasonable. Even those who use to call themselves Democrats are becoming too embarrassed and ashamed to associate with the Party.
These drones can be
used for many things. I think drones can be very useful for emergencies
and against terrorism. Just as long they are in the right hands.
Slowly but surly our elections are being decided more and more by
millionaire/billionaire clubs and foreign powers more than the American
people. Barack Obama is America's first president groomed, selected,
and protected by a foreign govern...ment. He has NEVER represented the will of
the American People. He came to power to destroy and remake America
into a modern version of the Soviet Union. That's why we all must be
waring that we, the average citizen does not use sight of preserving our
rights and freedom in America for the sake of technological advance.
I'm concerned about our lost of Privacy before a future ruthless
big brother government who starts using our own children against us.
They will take advantage of a army of the younger generation who have
been social-engineered to spend countless hours wasting time navigating
digital characters or machines with video game programs and watching
filth in the internet because many times these people they will come in
experienced to operate the drones and would not make a big deal about
looking at things about people that should be private. Such young people
who have been frustrated about not finding a job would naturally
gravitate toward this sort of thing, and would be so detached from
reality and real positive human connections that they would literally
become the android and/drone operators. It goes to show you want people
spend time with long enough and worship is what they will become. We all
should monitor these developments and keep our own government in check
before we start getting use to having our right of privacy stolen from
It would be just another backdoor method for communism to
takeover. The Tea Party and Conservative movement must ALWAYS be
America's standard bearers who will defend and protect America from the
encroachments of (not only) Radical Islam but Communism.
In 2011, Brigitte Gabriel exposed the radical Islamic Agenda through
infiltration and how Apathy Turns into Tyranny. She reveals the history
ignored by the western media. She exposes the Muslim Brotherhood's
agenda to work with like-minded progressives, democrats, and moderate
republicans to ring sharia policies and laws in America. It is the
oldest Islamic terrorist organization in the world. What is happening in
Europe is only a preview of what is happening to the United States. She
exposes all those connected organizations that work with the MuslimB rotherhood and their agenda to islamize every sector of American
society. We pump the gas and they pump intellectual poison education
from Saudi Arabia teaching Islam, hatred for Israel and America.
"Communism is full of Empty Promises and Over-Flooded Cemeteries filled with untimely deaths."
The Lying, Dying Liberal Communist Agenda in America - NOW UPDATED!
Young people all over the United States are now throwing out the socialist propaganda lies their university professors spoon fed them. The next generation joined with the adults of past generations are becoming aware of the social and economic destructiveness of Liberal policies.
The Socialist Progressives and the liberal Democrats have an agenda whose ultimate end is Communism, the weakening of the American family, and the destruction of the United States such that foreign Socialistic governments can manipulate into the public policy process of America while influencing public opinion that keeps them and their puppets in charge. Meanwhile, we the people slowly lose: our constitutional liberties, our economic freedom, our Bill of Rights, our privacy, our freedom of Religion, our freedom of the Press and Inquiry, our academic Freedom, the right raise our own children, and we could even lose our very lives. Its time that TODAY WE ALL "Awaken the Complacent and Mobilize the Courageous for ACTION." Join the Tea Party Movement and make difference in your generation!
"This video EXPOSES Secrets that Obama and Communists who serve him never wanted released to the MASS Public. The Information that you are about to watch is so threatening to Obama's Re-election and liberalism that Facebook appears to have Censored the embedded Video. So you will have to both Click the link to view it, and Copy and paste the link in order to share it with others who will likewise click the Link to view this Video. Please copy and paste this complete text, the title of the video and the link to every blog, news group, YouTube comment field and within one's YouTube video descriptions, every online forum, chat room of every kind, Every Facebook groups, Every MySpace discussion board, and e-mail it to every conservative and non-conservative television and radio station you can before this upcoming election."
The Liberal Democrats are party that is actively involved in destroying the healthy Family Unit in America. Their agenda is all apart of the Communist agenda. It's the homosexual thought police that needs to be silenced. Too many of these perverts are will go on YouTube and create videos catered toward youth and teens only to make them sexually suggestive then promote site s to pornography of every kind especially of same sex porn. It is disgusting and deserves a criminal investigation.
When the vile death-style of Homosexuality wipes out generations of viable future families with marriages of once viable young men and young women, we will not only experience a national decline in morals and the destruction of the family unit in America, we will experience a cultural decline because these people are warping the young minds of the children just as prisoners have done to new inmates.
Homosexuality is just another form of social and cultural terrorism. Even the Homosexual jihadists and gay sharia law advocates will shut down both private and public free speech just to push the perversion platform down the throats of American society and future generations until every child's mind has been raped by their filth. The reason Hollywood, the music industry, and public governmental officials are trying to promote the homosexual "bowel" movement as because even they have been peer-pressured into it or have been influenced by being sexually abused by one of them. So they will abuse and warp the minds of future generations. These people are disgusting and HOMOSEXUALITY WILL NEVER BE NORMAL, regardless of all the reality shows, talk shows, and Hollywood sitcoms designed to brainwash the public into a mindless stupor.
Today it's the pedophiles within the Democrat Party that is Promoting Gay Marriage.
Obama and the liberal Mainstream Media have invented the NON-issue of contraception as a tool of Deception and Distraction so that the American people will not focus on the real Danger of Obamacare and socialized medicine, which will threaten the lives of millions of Americans and Bankrupt all Americans, Young and Old. We would do well by not falling for this fabricated contraception distraction. The whole contraception issue was designed to distract women into voting for Obama.
It was Obama who started this whole issue attacking on the Rights of Christians and religious institutions in America, just as it was Obama and his administration that initiated the NDAA allowing the Federal Government to detain American Citizens who they claim arbitrarily who is and isn't an enemy to the state.
It's the Obama Administration that sought to Crush the American's right to free Speech. The point is that the Democrat Party infiltrated with socialist progressives desire any and all legislation that promotes Population Control that's why their social engineers promote Abortion on demand, contraception drugs that are abortifacients, homosexuality, and wide spread gay pornography in order to warp the human minds enough in order to reach the same result decreasing the human population for easier control-ability.
The Democrat Party infiltrated with socialist progressives also desire any and all legislation that promotes government control over speech that's why their "thought police" invented the concept of Hate Speech so they could arbitrarily decide what is and isn't hate speech by fabricating mock trials in the public and in the courts of their activist judges.
The Simple-Minded, uneducated, unaware and entertainment-addicted are Base of the Democrat Party and it is a shame if more of them do not wake up against the Tyrants they once had put into power!
The only way Democrats win is through voter-fraud and through activist judges because they cannot afford the a well-informed American voter the right and liberty to express themselves in public or by mass in the Voting booth.
That's why Democrat's have to Lie, Deceive, Cheat and STAGE AN ISSUE or CREATE A CRISIS in order to advance their UNCONSTITUTIONAL Agenda.
The Media Blackout is breaking down. It's Official! The impeachment trial of Barack Obama has begun. This means that his entire administration must also go as well. They have all committed treason and pose a threat to the security and safety of the United States.
Congressman Jones introduces bill that would subject Panetta & Obama to Impeachment
by Paul Joseph Watson
Thursday, March 8, 2012
Defense Secretary Leon Panetta’s testimony asserting that the United Nations and NATO have supreme authority over the actions of the United States military, words which effectively declare Congress a ceremonial relic, have prompted Congressman Walter Jones to introduce a resolution that re-affirms such behavior as an "impeachable high crime and misdemeanor" under the Constitution.
During a Senate Armed Services Committee hearing yesterday, Panetta and Joint Chiefs of Staff Chairman Gen. Martin Dempsey brazenly admitted that their authority comes not from the U.S. Constitution, but that the United States is subservient to and takes its marching orders from the United Nations and NATO, international bodies over which the American people have no democratic influence.
Panetta was asked by Senator Jeff Sessions, “We spend our time worrying about the U.N., the Arab League, NATO and too little time, in my opinion, worrying about the elected representatives of the United States. As you go forward, will you consult with the United States Congress?”
The Defense Secretary responded “You know, our goal would be to seek international permission. And we would come to the Congress and inform you and determine how best to approach this, whether or not we would want to get permission from the Congress.”
Despite Sessions’ repeated efforts to get Panetta to acknowledge that the United States Congress is supreme to the likes of NATO and the UN, Panetta exalted the power of international bodies over the US legislative branch.
“I’m really baffled by the idea that somehow an international assembly provides a legal basis for the United States military to be deployed in combat,” Sessions said. “I don’t believe it’s close to being correct. They provide no legal authority. The only legal authority that’s required to deploy the United States military is of the Congress and the president and the law and the Constitution.”
In an effort to re-affirm the fact that “the use of offensive military force by a President without prior and clear authorization of an Act of Congress constitutes an impeachable high crime and misdemeanor under article II, section 4 of the Constitution,” Republican Congressman Walter Jones has introduced a resolution in the House of Representatives. Referenced from: http://www.infowars.com/coup-detat-pentagon-obama-declare-congress-ceremonial/
The Articles of Impeachment have begun against President Obama. The American people are collectively rising up and saying enough is enough. This dictatorship has come to an end. Barack Obama has now been vetted and has been determined to be unfit for the office of commander-and-chief. He has conspired with the Muslim Brotherhood, Hamas, Domestic Terrorists and the very enemies of America. His days are numbered in the White House. The very fact that ABC, NBC, CBS, CNN, The Politico, and The New York Times has failed the reported the details of Bill H Con Res. 107 which is a bill that lays out the articles of impeachment against this administration, only proves to strengthen the class that much of our media is controlled in some way by the federal government. Obama will be removed from office and much of the simple-minded blind Americans will be clueless, because too many people appear to be in an apathetic state of denial, locked away in their social-engineered self-absorbed minds. However, a shift has already begun more and more Americans have already woke up to the fact that everything this administration has done and sought to done is the destruction of America and the explosive growth of government. Obama's administration has initiated the extermination of Constitution loving American Citizens. The end of America's first socialist and communist Regime has come to an end.
According to Tom Tancredo's article "Our choice: Impeachment or Dictatorship" he asks this provocative question: Is Obama’s disregard of the Constitution really news? No. He has done it so many times it doesn’t make news anymore. Democrats approve it and Republicans in Congress appear to accept it – not all Republicans, of course, but far too many.
He then outlines just some of the offenses of the administration.
Obama violated the Constitution with his “recess appointments” while the Senate was not in recess. It is up the Senate to decide when it is in recess, not the president. That distinction between executive and legislative authority is what the Separation of Powers doctrine is all about.
Obama is an obvious participant and co-conspirator in Eric Holder’s approval and later cover-up of the illegal “Fast and Furious” gun-walking program. Unlike the Watergate case, people have actually died as a result of this illegal program.
Obama undoubtedly has knowledge of and has approved Homeland Security Secretary Napolitano’s project to require Border Patrol management to falsify apprehension numbers on the southwest border. This is a clear violation of Article IV, Section 4 of the Constitution, which requires the federal government to protect the country against foreign invasion.
The president’s open refusal to enforce the Defense of Marriage Act is a violation of Article III, Section 1 of the Constitution, which does not authorize the president to choose which laws to “faithfully execute.” The oath taken by a new president on Inauguration Day does not say, “… to defend the Constitution of the United States… to the best of my ability except when I disagree with it.”
Did the president violate the law when he instructed Labor Secretary Solis to negotiate agreements with foreign governments to expand the “labor rights” of illegal aliens?
Tancrendo stated,"President Obama can only be emboldened by the lack of impeachment proceedings. His violations typically arouse a short-lived tempest among some conservatives, yet impeachment is not generally advocated by his critics as a realistic recourse. That must change.
That Obama can be voted out of office in eight months is not a reason to hold back on impeachment. Formal impeachment proceedings in the House of Representatives would help alert the nation’s 120 million likely voters that more is at stake in Obama’s power grabs than Syrian human rights and contraception subsidies for college students.
The grounds for House impeachment proceedings have been laid by Obama’s own actions. A list of his unconstitutional and illegal actions would embarrass any honest public official and makes Nixon’s Watergate cover-up look like a college fraternity house panty raid.
Obama’s policy on the use of military force abroad raises grave issues – both policy issues and constitutional issues. When Defense Secretary Panetta tells a Senate committee he will rely on NATO and the U.N. for “permission” for use of military force, that is an affront to and direct assault on the Constitution.
Those Panetta statements propelled Rep. Jones to introduce a House resolution stipulating that any use of military force by the president without an act of Congress, except to repel a direct attack on the United States, is an impeachable offense under the Constitution." Referenced from: http://www.wnd.com/2012/03/our-choice-impeachment-or-dictatorship/
Barack Obama's Assassination Program of US Citizens
We will talk more about this shortly.
The Three Reasons why Obama will lose in a Landslide this Fall.
Obama's internet presidency is coming to an end, as well as, his defenses about his Fake Birth Certificate. President Obama's paid internet bloggers are currently working over time to try to squelch the growing outrage of the American people by making random posts expressing apathy and clueless as if that is the sentiments of the majority of Americans. Socialist like Obama must lie, use trickery, and premeditated distraction to push their agenda, but the American people are not going to be silent nor are we going to lay down as our President and his Socialist friends destroy America economically, socially, and holistically. The end of the Obama Regime and the influences of Socialist Progressives have come to an end. I encourage that every American become aware who is running for office in your local elections. The Obama Administration is currently using Tarp Money and the money's borrowed to raise the debt ceiling to fund Liberal Super PAC's in order to spend millions of dollars to support Socialist Progressive candidates who are running for US Congress and the US Senate.